
"Confessions Of A Young WASP" PHIPPS, Lang New York Magazine September 2, 1991

[108] pp.


10 3/4" x 8 1/8"

*address label blackened out*

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Mr. Phipps grew up on the upper East Side, so near the Pierre that he and his friends viewed the hotel's hallways as their playground. Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly were friends of his family. His father, Thomas Phipps, dresses so impeccably that he gardens in a coat and tie.

The younger Mr. Phipps, who is known as Lang, is a combination of Old World and offbeat. ''He likes to listen to vinyl Frank Sinatra on his turntable and smoke cigars,'' said Nathaniel Pearson, a friend. ''He drives a vintage BMW. He's a shoe-tree type of guy.''

Mr. Phipps, however, said he has always felt ''slightly alienated'' from what he calls ''his tribe.'' A freelance writer, he even had an article in New York magazine in 1991 titled ''Confessions of a Young WASP,'' describing the mannerisms, vanities and poses he saw around him. 

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