
"The Cocktail Book A Sideboard Manual For Gentlemen" 1933

[80] pp.

L.C. Page & Company, Publishers


8th Impression

6.75" x 4.35"

Repeal Edition

Includes recipes for: Absinthe Frappe, Blue Blazes, Café au Kirsch, California Absinthe, Claret Punch, Egg Nog, Egg Nog Bowl for New Year's Party, Fog Horn, Gin Daisy, Gin Fizz, Gin Rickey, Golden Fizz, Hot Applejack, Hot Apple Toddy, Hot Irish, Hot Scotch, Hot Spiced Rum, John Collins, Maiden's Dream, Mamie Taylor, Medford Rum Punch, Milk Punch, Mint Julep, Mint Julep--Brandy, Morning-Glory Fizz, New York Sour, Peach Blow Fizz, Pick Me Up, Picon High Ball, Pigeon Wing, Planter's Punch, Port and Starboard, Port Wine Flip, Port Wine Sangaree, Pousse Café, Pousse L'Amour, Ramos Fizz, Remsen Cooler, Rhine Wine Cobbler, Rickety Scotch, Royal Fizz, Royal Plush, Sam Ward, Sauterne Cobbler, Sauterne or Hock Cup, Shandy Gaff, Sherry Cobbler, Sherry Flip, Silver Fizz, Souiesse, St. Croix Rum Sour, Stinger, Syracuse Cooler, Three Trees, Tom Collings, Tom and Jerry, Velvet, Ward Eight, Whiskey Rickey, Whiskey Sour, Bandel Melange, Shelburne Cooler.

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