
"Victor Vasarely" 1971 SPIES, Werner

SPIES, Werner

[206] pp.

Harry N. Abrams, Inc.


12 1/4" x 11 1/4"

This monograph - the most comprehensive yet on Vasarely - sets out to present and interpret an oeuvre that is of fundamental importance for our time and for the future. To condense the aim of his work into a convenient formula, one might say that Vasarely seeks to modify society through art and art through society.

Victor Vasarely (9 April 1906 – 15 March 1997) was a Hungarian-French artist, who is widely accepted as a "grandfather" and leader of the Op art movement.

His work titled Zebra, created in 1937, is considered by some to be one of the earliest examples of Op art.

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