Rare Books

"A Bibliography Of Cricket" 1977 PADWICK, E.W.

PADWICK, E.W. [compiled by]
[649] pp.

The Library Association For The Cricket Society


9 1/2" x 6 1/2"

Fine/ Fine

A carefully prepared bibliography describing over 8,000 items (including books, pamphlets, journals and articles) on every aspect of cricket in Britain and around the world. The items are arranged in a detailed subject order and full bibliographical information is given for each item. The majority of entries are annotated on points of interest in bibliographical history or subject-matter. The 32 main sections cover general works (reference books and other bibliographies of cricket); the game at all levels in England and Wales (nearly 4,000 entries of the total 8,000 come under this section); the Commonwealth and other parts of the world; international cricket; cricket in literature; pictorial records; biography and reminiscences. The book is completed by a 12,000-entry index of authors and titles, a full synopsis of contents and a Foreword on the literature of cricket by John Arlott. Section headings illustrated with Victorian engravings of cricketing scenes.

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