
"I.B.F. Trap No 1 Harry's New York Bar Paris" 1953 (SOLD)

[16] pp.


4 5/8" x 3 1/8"

Stapled wraps


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"I.B.F. Trap No. 1 BUZZ BUZZ BUZZZZZ. Harry's New York Bar, Sank Roo Doe Noo Paris".

Illustrated card covers with cover illustration in green and white of two bar flies.

Booklet of the IBF--The International Bar Flies with #1 location being at the famous Harry's New York Bar in Paris, France where James Bond 'supposedly lost his virginity and is the oldest cocktail bar in Europe and the birthplace of the Bloody Mary cocktail.

Hand-written number 27-739 in booklet (meaning the 'secret' member got his membership at DORCHESTER HOTEL LONDON --when Willy and Ernest were in charge)

The IBF is 'a secret and sacred fraternal organization devoted to the up life and downfall of serious drinkers.'

Booklet includes:

How Do You Say It--24 different languages. American: Here's How; English--Cheerio; German--Prosit; Zulu--Oogy Wawa

Harry's Bar #1: Committee of the IBF--President--Harry McElhone; Secretary: Doc Howe; Spanish Fly: Sam Saylor; Blow Flies: Mac McElhone, Jr, Andrew McElone, Jr, Horse Fly: Patricia McElhone, Gad Fly: Bill McGaulley

Rules of the IBF--14 different. Illustrated by Wynn

So Why Worry?

Here's How:  Wine Expert Chart

You're Telling Me!  What a difference a few Years Make

The Birth of the IBF by Arthur Moss

Over The Hill, Brother--a poem

List of 77 different I.B.F locations worldwide with addresses and who is in charge.

Enclosed with this booklet is a Quarters Assignment stub completed with Name, Rank, ASN, Plane No. and a Room number.  It says, "You Must Occupy Bed Assigned".