Decorative Arts

"Important Furniture, Silver, Books And Decorative Arts From The Collection Of William A. McCarty-Cooper" 1992

308 lots

[191] pp.

Christie's New York


10.75" x 8.75"

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(Printed Books: Lots 1-100; Silver: Lots 101-157; Twentieth Century Decorative Arts: Lots 158 -181; European and Chinese Porcelain: Lots 182-213; European Furniture and Works of Art: Lots 214-308). "Billy McCarty-Cooper's activity as bibliophile was an outgrowth of his other interests: his training in architecture and design, (under Louis Kahn, among others) his own internationally important professional success as interior designer and his fascination with orchids. This important library, assembled largely since 1985, reflects, as well, a knowledge and appreciation of the books themselves, editions of aesthetic and historical significance. Notable among the books (in the realm of the history of architecture and the decorative arts) are: L.L. de Thurah, Den Danske Vitruvius, Copenhagen 1740-49, 2 vols. (lot 76); Colen Campbell, Vitruvius Britannicus, London, 5 vols. (lot 11); Sir William Hamilton, Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Naples 1766-67, 4 vols., Campi Phlegraei, Naples 1776-79, 3 vols (lots 27 and 28); Sebastiano Serlio, The First Booke of Architecture, London 1611 (lot 70) and, relating to orchids: Jean Jules Linden, Lindenia Iconographie des Orchidées, Ghent 1885-1903, 17 vols. (lot 92) and Henry Frederick Sander, Reichenbachia: Orchids illustrated and described, London 1888-94, 4 vols., the Imperial Edition (lot 94)."

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