
"The Artist And The Country House: A History Of Country House And Garden View Painting In Britain 1540-1870" 1979 HARRIS, John


[376] pp.

Sotheby Parke Bernet


12" x 11 1/4"

Fine/ Fine

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Each chapter consists of an introductory text which gives an historical account of the emergence of the many artists who contribute to the tradition.

"The tradition of country house and garden view painting, or 'estate portraiture,' began in the sixteenth century and was based upon Continental precedents. In this comprehensive volume, John Harris presents the first extensive analysis of the subject since the work of the same title by John Steegman and Dorothy Stroud in 1949. He studies from these beginnings the growth of the tradition in Britain and Ireland up until the mid-Victorian period, illustrating a remarkable variety of the paintings which he discusses. View painting, by virtue of its subject matter, embraces many other genres; and the author examines the various relationships with landscape and marine painting, human portraiture, sporting pictures and architectural drawing." 

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