"Decorative Designs For Contemporary Interiors" 1956 GATZ, Konrad [edited by]

GATZ, Konrad [edited by]

[240] pp.

Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc.


11 7/8" x 8 5/8"

The architect has become the advisor in the utilization of the many technical and artistic possibilities of color in room structure; the painter is a true helper in the execution of the artistic image. Both must not undervalue the knowledge of the color theorist on the psychological results of color in factories, workshops, schools and hospitals. If the task of color presentation is determined in these primary spheres, an abundance of possibilities will be found to bring to the main work areas of apartments and homes, stores and restaurants the proper elements of color formation: atmosphere and phantasy in proper combination. This volume attempts to give a cross-section, not only of the work of various countries and temperaments, but also to present the possible techniques. It shows a first harvest of the community efforts of architects and artisans, graphic artists and decorators and will inspire to further fruitful and sane work.

*jacket separated at spine w/ cover*

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