"Denizens Of The Deep: True Tales Of Deep-Sea Fishing" 1953 WYLIE, Philip

WYLIE, Philip

[222] pp.

Rinehart & Co., Inc.


8 1/2" x 5 7/8"

Line drawings by Walter Dower

The incomparable Philip Wylie is here writing about one of the things he likes best—fishing. Anyone who has ever wet a line, and perhaps those few benighted souls who haven’t, will be thrilled to read these true tales about the big ones, hooked (and sometimes lost) in tropic waters.

In Denizens of the Deep, which was originally published in 1947, there are wonderful chapters on marlin, the “admirable” barracuda, and the shark, whom Wylie calls “that misunderstood fish.” The bursting pride when you catch that first big one is recaptured with fine nostalgia in the essay “What Makes a Great Day’s Fishing?” and the tragedy of the clean getaway in “Listen to This Tale of Woe.”

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