"Irving Penn Regards The Work Of Issey Miyake Photographs 1975-1998"

Bulfinch Press


First Edition

12 5/8" x 10 7/8"

Includes 136 color photographs

Gift inscription on FFEP From Patty Cisneros

Fine/ Fine

For ten years Irving Penn - one of the greatest fashion photographers of the post-war era - and Issey Miyake - probably the only designer of the century to take design into the realm of art - have shared an extraordinary collaborative relationship. 'Penn's photographs allow me to see my own designs, ' claims Miyake. This book springs from Penn's huge regard for the Japanese designer -and his recognition that the photographs depict pure, timeless and sculptural designs, designs that run counter to all the eroticism displayed in fashion. The photographs are directly connected to Penn's celebrated ethnographical studies, just as the designs reflect Miyake's interest in a global culture. The collaboration has come to fruition at the end of the century, when the boundaries between East and West, so often challenged by Miyake, are finally being discarded.

Patricia "Patty" Phelps de Cisneros is a Venezuelan art collector and philanthropist who focuses on Latin American modernist and contemporary art from Brazil, Venezuela, and the Río de la Plata region of Argentina and Uruguay. Since the 1970s Cisneros has supported education and the arts, with a particular focus on Latin America. Along with her husband, Gustavo A. Cisneros, she founded the New York City and Caracas-based Fundación Cisneros. In the 1990s the Fundación's primary art-related program became the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. In 2016, Cisneros donated 102 modern and contemporary artworks from the 1940s to 1990s to the Museum of Modern Art, establishing the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Research Institute for the Study of Art from Latin America at MoMA.

Issey Miyake, (22 April 1938- 5 August 5 2022) was a Japanese fashion designer. He was known for his technology-driven clothing designs, exhibitions and fragrances, such as L'eau d'Issey, which has become his best-known product.

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