"The Garden Of Perfect Brightness: The History Of The Yuan Ming Yuan and Of The Emperors Who Lived There" 1950 DANBY, Hope


[239] pp.

Henry Regnery Company


8 3/4"x 5 5/8"

Map illustrated endpapers and pastedowns. Introductory note by Sir John T Pratt.

Jacket design by William McLaren

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This charming and colorful book opens when K'ang Hsi, the second Emperor of the Ta Ch'ing - the Great Pure Dynasty of China- comes into power. He and the successive emperors were responsible for the development of the royal pleasure known as Yuan Ming Yuan, or The Garden of Perfect Brightness. The history of the garden is as magnificent as it is interesting, as tragic as it is romantic. It is the record of one aspect of an age which, although comparatively recent by measure of years, seems to our modern civilization a glimpse of fairyland, a vision of the mysterious enchantment of a willow-pattern plate.

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