"The Twenties In Vogue" 1983 HALL, Carolyn

HALL, Carolyn

Foreword by Gloria Swanson

[160] pp.

Harmony Books

First Edition


11 1/2" x 10"

In 1920 the war to end all wars was over - enter the age of jazz and cocktails, of Cole Porter songs and motor cars, and fun at all costs. Rebellious youth kicked up its heels and Charlestoned to the saxophones of Negro bands or the gurgle of 'Ain't we got fun' on the wind-up gramophone. Apparently nice young women, liberated from the past by wartime years of work in hospitals, munitions factories, and on the trams, bobbed their hair, raised their hems, and painted their faces. . . Vogue mirrored 'This Freedom' with its accustomed wit and sophistication and many an ironic wink, on all aspects of life in the Twenties - on the changing social scene, entertainment, and the arts.

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