"They Have Designs On You! Sketches Of Fifteen Of New York's Leading Fashion Creators" 1944 POPE, Virginia

POPE, Virginia

[32] pp.

The New York Times


11 1/8" x 8 5/8"


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Virginia Pope's seat at any fashion show was unmistakable. The sign on it said "Dean of Fashion Editors." She was the journalist who always wore a rakish hat perched on her blue-tinted hair and pristine white gloves -- the right one removed so she could take notes. A diminutive figure with ramrod posture, she had a quick humor, unlimited charm, a commitment to accuracy and fairness, and the exquisite manners of an Edith Wharton heroine. She was also among the first fashion journalists who could write "in a literary idiom," said the designer Charles James.

For anyone who knew her, the first response to the name Virginia Pope is "She was a lady!" For many in the American fashion world in the 30's, 40's and 50's, Miss Pope was also a hero. She was instrumental in helping American designers to emerge as a world influence. As the fashion editor of The New York Times from 1933 until 1955, she turned fashion writing into news.

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