Price on Request
6"L The 21 Club, often simply 21, was a traditional American cuisine restaurant and former...
3.5"H x 3.25"W Brass Easel NFS
Excellent Condition Sz: 6.25"W x 53"L
Price on Request
Sz: 2-7/8"H
Price on Request
Excellent Condition as New Sz: 6.25"Sq
DUCHIN, PeterDecca Records1962 12 1/4" x 12 1/4"
llustrated by Paul D. Brown
Sz: 4-1/8" x 2 7/8"W *w/ chip on upper right corner rim*
Stamped: Made in USA *missing lead tail*
Sz: 4"D Cardboard Salisbury, CT. boutique inn designed by Michael Patrick Smyth *7th coaster w/...
Price on Request
Sz: 12 1/4"Sq Featuring Artie Shaw and His Orchestra
Sz: 14 1/2" x 16"The Beaux Books book bag, printed with an original design created...
New In Box Sz: 3.5"H x 3.25"D
Sz: 15-1/2"Sq
Hand-Tied in Kenya Sz: 2.5"L
Price on Request
Sz: 3.75"H Stamped: Made in England E.P.N.S. (Electro-Plated Nickle Silver)
Price on Request
Sz: 6 1/2"L
Price on Request
Sz: 7"H
Excellent Condition Sz: 82"L x 3.5"W
Excellent Condition 19.75"L x 13.5"W
Sz: 5"L x 1 1/4"H x 1/2"D Stamped: Kikkerland Bring this 3 in 1 bottle...
Price on Request
1057 Lexington Ave & 75th St NYC Orsay marries modern French and classic brasserie fare...