Price on Request
Jockey: 9"HLamp base to Top of Bulb Socket: 17"Hw/ Pair x Celadon Green Silk Shades:...
w/ horse-head brass finialsOverall Height: 22"HJockey Height: 9.5"H Scroll Down for (6) Additional Pics:
Engraved: Pass Catcher October House Farm Ridden By Walter Blum 4 1/4"W x 3 1/2"H...
Overall 12.5"HJockey 9.25"HBase 4"Sq x 3"H
Overall Height: 12 1/4"HJockey Height: 9 1/8"HWood Block Plinth Base: 4 1/2"Sq x 3"HEx- Palm...
Price on Request
Sz: 12 3/4"H x 4 1/4"Sq @ Plinth Base/ Jockeys 9"H Director's Room Sept-12-79 *Books...
Shade: 8"H x 11"D Lamp: 21"H x 4"W circa 1950s
Jockey Sz: 9"H Overall Sz: 12 3/8"W Plinth base: 4"Sq x 3 1/8"D The 21...
Jockey Sz: 9 1/8"H Base Sz: 4"Sq x 3"H Overall height: 12-1/4"H VG Condition The...
Overall height: 18 3/4"H including 7"H hunter green silk shadeJockey itself: 9 1/2"HBase: 3 1/4"Sq...
5.5" x 2.75"DGreen/ yellow checkerboard jockey silks
Price on Request
10.5"TJockey: 9.25"HBase 3.-3/8"SqIn Amazing/ Like-New Condition!
Price on Request
Top of socket to base 18"Jockey 9.25"H x 3"WFreshly re-socketed & rewired w/ green felt...
Price on Request
Sz: 6 1/2"H x 6 1/2"L x 1 1/2"W Scroll Down for (7) Additional Pics:
Very scarce set of (9) Washington, D.C. International bar glassesSz: 4-1/8"H x 3-1/8"D---------------------------1954 United States-...
VG Condition Sz: 8 1/2"D
Sz: 2 3/4"H x 3 1/8"D Weight: 2.4 oz/ 68 grams Stamped on underside: Tiffany &...
Price on Request
Sz: 6 1/2"H x 9"D
Sz: 10 1/2"H x 3 1/4"Sq base
Price on Request
Sz: 9"D x 5 3/4"Hw/ "21" Club matchbook
5.25"H x 1.75"Sq Base Scroll Down for (4) Additional Pics:
Sz: 10.5"H x 8.5" Diameter Base Checkerboard pattern racing silks Scroll Down for (5) Additional...
Sz: 4-1/2"H x 3-5/8"D Robert Riger, artist
Overall Height: 14"H Base: 3.5"H x 5.5"W 5.25"DAmazing pair of silver-plated 'Jockey' bookends on wooden...
Overall Height: 13"H Jockey: 9.25"H Plinth base 3.5"H x 4.25"W Scroll Down for (5) Additional...
Price on Request
Overall Height w/ Shade: 22.5"HJockey: 9.25"HBase: 4.25"Sq x 3.5"HJockey Silks Coral w/ White Diagonal Sash
Classic hand-painted 'Diamond C. Stable' c1940s jockey on wood cube base w/ brass plaque Sz:...
Box: 11.5"W x 2.5"H x 3.75"DJockey on Horse: 2.75"L x 1.5"H
Price on Request
Sz: 7 1/2"H x 6"W x 5 7/8"D (at base)
Overall height: 18"H Black wood base: 4 1/4"Sq x 3 1/2"H Jockey: 9 1/8"H w/...
Price on Request
Sz: 5 1/2"H x 2 5/8"D Scroll Down for (5) Additional Pics: The 21 Club,...
Sz: 5 1/4"H x 1 3/4" Scroll Down for (5) Additional Pics:
Overall height: 19"Shade height: 7"Jockey height: 5.5"Base: 4.5"W x 8"Lw/ 5' long cordw/ green felt...
12.5"HBase: 4.25"Sq x 3.5"Hw/ J.F. Eldridge Brass Plaque
Price on Request
Overall height: 12.75"Plinth base: 4.25"Sq x 3.5"H
Price on Request
3 1/4"H x 1 1/2"Sq at Base
8"H x 5"L Scroll Down for (4) Additional Pics:
Overall 12.75"HJockey 9.25"HBase 4.25"Sq x 3.5"H Scroll Down for (4) Additional Pics:
w/ H. Kauffman & Sons label on undersideJockey Height: 9"w/ Base: 12-1/4"H
7.25" x 4.5"L Scroll Down for (3) Additional Pics:
15"W x 24"H x 9"L
Sz: 4.75"HBase 2.5"Sq Scroll Down for (5) Additional Pics:
Sz: 34"Sq
Price on Request
c1950s Made by Hall Sz: 7"H x 9"D Scroll Down for (3) Additional Pics:
Sz: 13"H x 4 1/2"Sq @ base VG Scroll Down for (5) Additional Pics: B.A. Dario...
Price on Request
Classic "21" Club custom (Tiffany blue w/ x'ed white bands) racing silks jockey paperweight on...
Classic c1950s custom racing coloursHand-painted "21" Club lead jockey paperweightSz: 5"H x 2.5"D plinth base...
Sz: 7 1/4"Sq x 1 1/2"D The 21 Club, often simply 21, was a traditional...