COURTNEY, Nicholas [158] pp. Collins 1985 9 1/2" x 6 7/8" w/ drawings by John...
A Comic Picture Book For Grown-Ups HYNES, Edward S. w/ 49 illustrations T. Werner Laurie...
DURRELL, Lawrence [82] pp. Faber and Faber 1966 8 1/8" x 5 3/8" Nicolas Bentley...
DURRELL, Lawrence [104] pp. E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. First Edition 1958 8 1/4" x...
The Illuminating Diary Of A Professional Lady LOOS, Anita [217] pp. Boni & Liveright Sixth...
DOWNEY, Fairfax MACHAMER, Jefferson [decorations by] [100] pp. Minton, Balch & Company 1927 7 3/4"...
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DOWNEY, Fairfax MACHAMER, Jefferson [decorations by] [98] pp. Minton, Balch & Company 1926 First Edition...
KINROSS, Lord[166] pp.Jacket and illustrations by Peter KneebonePutnam19548" x 5 3/8"
CHAPPELL, George S.[178] pp.G.P. Putnam's Sons19226 3/8" x 4 1/2"Embellished with cuts by Wm. Hogarth,...
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GRAHAM, Virginia[202] pp.The Harvill Press1954Seventh Impression7 1/2" x 5 1/4"Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster VG/ VG...
Print Sz: 5"H x 7 5/8"WFrame Sz: 11 1/4"H x 13 1/2"WProperty from the Estate...
Art Sz: 12 3/4"H x 7 1/4"W Frame Sz: 17"H x 11"WAlwin SchockemohleAlwin Schockemöhle (born...
[174] pp.The John Day Company193113" x 10 1/8"*foxing condition noted*
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WYKEHAM, Peter[278] pp.Putnam1962First Edition8 3/4" x 5 7/8" Fine/ FineAlberto Santos-Dumont (Palmira, 20 July 1873...
Riff & Raff[112] pp.Hutchinson & Co.19407 3/8" x 4 7/8"*closed tear to top front jacket...
PebRandom House1957First Printing11 1/4" x 8 3/4"Inscribed With best wishes Peb August 2004
DURRELL, Lawrence[82] pp.E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 19678 1/8" x 5 1/8"First EditionIllustrated by Nicolas...
HUSTON, John[160] pp.Albert and Charles Boni, Inc.19308.5" x 6.5" VG/ VG Scroll Down for (9)...
CLEVELAND, Anne with ANDERSON, Jean E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1960 First Edition 8 1/4"...
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19639.5" x 6"Stapled wraps
JENNINGS, Paul [163] pp.Max Reinhardt1959Fourth Impression7 1/2" x 5"Illustrations by Haro Hodson
17 1/2" x 12 1/2"Folio w/ 36 colour plates of fashionable ladies at Longchamp Racecourse,...
CADWALLADER and NUDNICK[260] pp.Doubleday & Company, Inc.19578 1/2' x 5 5/8"Illustrated by R. TaylorTaylor was...
NASH, Ogden [100] pp.Simon and Schuster19317 1/2" x 5 1/8"Illustrated by O. Soglow
DURRELL, Lawrence[76] pp.Faber and Faber19665.25" x 5.5"Nicolas Bentley drew the pictures
DURRELL, Lawrence[94] pp.Faber and Faber19588 1/8" x 5 1/2"w/ line illustrations and a jacket by...
[87] pp.CAPP, AlSimon and Schuster195611" x 8.25"
A Collection of Fact and Humor by Some of the Best Writers of Short Pieces...
YEOMAN, Antonia & THOMPSON, H. Underwood [96] pp. Collins 1947 7 7/8" x 5 3/4"...
LONGSTRETH, Edward and HOLTON, Leonard T. [190] pp.Simon and Schuster19287 3/4" x 5 1/4" Illustrated...
Being a Cure for Man's Neuroses A Sop to to His Frustrations A Night Cap...
SHAW, Charles G. [201] pp. Brentano's 1927 7 3/4" x 5 1/2" w/ drawings by...
FOUQUIER, Marcel [357] pp. Albin Michel Editeur 1941 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" VG Marcel...
HERFORD, Oliver w/ 87 illustrations Methuen & Co Ltd., London 1932 7 3/4" x 5...
DE BALZAC, Honore Volume I [291] pp.Volume II [266] pp.Boni & Liveright1928 Limited Edition10" x...
BELLOCQ, Pierre Inscribed: With My Best Wishes August 2004 [56] pp. Keeneland Association 1998 10...
BELLOCQ, Pierre [48] pp. A. Horowitz & Sons/ Bookbinders w/ acetate jacket 1986 10 3/8"...
HERBERT, A.P. Sir Alan Patrick Herbert CH (known as A. P. Herbert; 24 September 1890...
POST, Emily [227] pp. Doubleday, Doran & Company Inc. New York 1928 First Edition 7...
LARDNER, Ring [151] pp.Charles Scribner's Sons1927 Illustrated by Margaret Freeman7 3/4" x 5 1/2" VG/...
CARROLL, Lewis REED, Langford [edited by] [118] pp. D. Appleton and Company 1926 10 1/4"...
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Comprising Eighty-six Caricature Etchings. Illustrated in prose and verse, by Alfred Crowquill. With a descriptive...
[175] pp.ARNO, Peter3rd EditionSimon & Schuster19277.5" x 5.25" Scroll Down for (9) Additional Scans:
LEVY, Newman & HELD, John Jr. [79] pp. Alfred A. Knopf 1930 7 3/4" x...
The Illuminated Diary of a Professional Lady LOOS, Anita [217] pp. Boni & Liveright 1925...
TAYLOR, Richard The World Publishing Company 1945 First Reprint Edition 11 1/4" x 8 1/2"...
Later printing of original edition of author's first bookw/ a foreword by Boris KarloffADDAMS, ChasRandom...
Godolphin Darley Inscribed: with best wishes from Peb 2004 [98] pp. Henri Dupuy 1950 11...
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INSCRIBED: For Andrew- Best wishes Konstantin[39] pp. VG Scroll Down for (21) Additional Scans:Konstantin Kakanias...
KAKANIAS, Konstantin [39] pp. Jane Stubbs 1997 11 3/4" x 8 1/2" Warmly inscribed by...