STREET, Julian [175] pp. John Lane Company 1913 7 5/8" x 5 1/4" Illustrations by...
I Once Went To New York BOGAERTS, Theo [168] pp. Davidsfonds, Leuven 7 3/4" x...
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[55] pp.9" x 5.25"March 16, 1930 Scroll Down for (12) Additional Scans:
[286] pp.Spiral-boundIllustrations by Polly KeenerJunior League of Long Island19899.5" x 7.25" Scroll Down for (11)...
28 West 8th Street-176 MacDougal Street New York FRASER, J.E. [9] pp.19435 1/4" x 3...
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TRASK, Spencer [84] pp.w/ tri-fold map of New York 1695 laid-in on page 18G.P. Putnam's...
CHAPIN, Anna Alice [301] pp. Dodd, Mead and Company 1917 8 3/4" x 6 1/4"...
KNICKERBOCKER, Diedrich Volume I: [364] pp. Volume II: [379] pp. G.P. Putnam's Sons 1893 Boards...
HUGHES, Rupert [384] pp. The Smart Set Publishing Company 1904 8" x 5 3/4" Drawings...
GRAHAM, Stephen [288] pp. George H. Doran Company 1927 8 3/4" x 6 1/4" Illustrations...
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[316] pp.Decorations by Jayw/ 12-fold map of Manhattan laid-in at rearJAMES, RianThe John Day Company19317.75"...
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BRUSH, Katharine [325] pp.Farrar & Rinehart, Incorporated19307 3/4" x 5 1/2" VG/ VGNovel about flappers...
[59] pp.Privately Printed19649.25" x 5.5"Paintings by Simon Elwes & Ogden M. Pleissner
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[326] pp.SMITH, JosephThe Knickerbocker Press18978" x 5.5"Ex-libris/ signed by:Mr. Alex M. Robb was known for...
[242] pp.w/ 3-fold map of LIS on pages 6-7BLANCHARD, Fessenden S.D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.10.25"...
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2 frontal buttons 7/8"D & 6 sleeve buttons 5/8"D Made in England
LAMB, Martha J. Volume I: [786] pp. Volume II: [820] pp. A.S. Barnes & Company187710...
[255] pp.Bloomingdale Brothers19028.5" x 6"
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w/ [33] pp.The Bank of the Manhattan Company19207.75" x 5.75" Scroll Down for (9) Additional...
SCHACKLETON, Robert [377] pp. The Penn Publishing Company 1920 8" x 5 3/4" Illustrated w/...
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SHAW, Edward Richard [212] pp.Lobell, Coryell & Company18957.5" x 5.25"*front hinge weakened* Scroll Down for...
[48] pp.Around New York, Inc. 193610" x 6"Cover art deco artwork by Stern*Softcover detached from...
Manhattan Post Card Publishing Co., Inc.10" x 7" *lacking first page*
PORTOR, Laura Spencer [48] pp.The Treasure Tower Publishing Company193910" x 7" Illustrated by Alida Conover...
ASBURY, Herbert [217] pp. Avon Publishing Co., Inc. 1950 6 1/4" x 4 1/4" The...
WOLFE, Thomas [150] pp. A Signet Book/ The New American Library 1952 Third Printing 7"...
LAIT, Jack & MORTIMER, Lee [240] pp. Dell Publishing Company, Inc. 1951 6 1/2" x...
NICHOLS, John Treadwell[118] pp.The American Museum of Natural History19189 1/4" x 6 3/8"Ex libris Roy...
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BEATON, Cecil [261] pp. B.T. Batsford Ltd.19389" x 6 1/2" Scroll Down for (25) Additional...
TRAIN, Arthur Inscribed by the author to Bob Sterling- "enthusiast" with the most sincere regards...
STERN Robert A.M., MELLINS Thomas[847] pp.Rizzoli198711 1/4" x 9" Fine/ Fine Scroll Down for (11)...
JAHN, Mike [210] pp. Bernard Geis Associates 1970 1st Edition 8 1/2" x 6"
SIMON, Kate [352] pp. Meridian Books, Inc. 1959 8" x 4 3/4" Drawings by Bob...
WOLF, Reinhart (1930-1988)[73] pp.The Vendome Press198016 3/4" x 12" Fine/ Fine Scroll Down for (14)...
CARR, Stella [283] pp. Brandu's 1911 7 3/4" x 5 1/2" VG/ VG Any fortuitous...
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SARG, TonyGreenberg, Publisher1927 First Edition Typography By Lewis F. White (illustrator) Folio Edition with 24 lithographs...
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The story of the club and its antecedents from 1890 to 1961 ALLISON, Benjamin R.,...
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FOUGNER, G. Selmer Gustav Selmer Fougner (1884–1941) was a wine and restaurant critic best known...
1931[316] pp.JAMES, RianThe John Day CompanyDecorations by Jay7.75" x 5.5"w/ 33.5" x 9.5" 6-fold map...
RUBIN, Sy & SIEGEL, Larry [photographs by] Introduction by Paul Goldberger [96] pp. Matrix Publications,...
JOSEPHY, Helen and MCBRIDE, Mary Margaret[307] pp.G.P. Putnam's Sons19398 3/8" x 5 3/4"Drawings by Margaret...
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[7] pp.11 1/2" x 4 1/4" VG Bemelmans Bar is a cocktail lounge and piano...
1.25H Measures 35"W to 3rd buckle hole from base of buckle Custom-finished by Itzastitch National...
A Guide to New York Restaurants, including El Morocco & The "21" Club, to which...
IRWIN, Will [381] pp. The Century Co 1927 First Edition 9" x 6 3/4" Illustrated...
BROOKS, Walter R. [348] pp. Alfred A. Knopf 1931 7 1/2" x 5 3/8"
1936[182] pp.2nd EditionMCADOO, Eva T.The MacMillan Companyw/ a 4-fold map of New York laid-in
PANETH, Philip [113] pp. Living Books, Inc. 1965 8 3/4" x 5 7/8" w/ exclusive...
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House (Privately Printed)1st Edition1910[188] pp. Scroll Down for (6) Additional Scans:
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CLARKE, Thomas B. & SUAREZ, DiegoLimited Edition1962One-thousand copies have been designed at the George Grady...