CLARKE, Arthur C. [222] pp. The New American Library 1968 8 1/2" x 5 7/8"...
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Idrisyn Oliver Evans (1894–1977) was an Orange Free State-born editor and writer. He lived in...
BRADBURY, Ray [152] pp. The Limited Editions Club 1982 11" x 7 1/4" This copy,...
CRUMP, C.G. Charles George (1862-1935) UK editor, archivist and author whose sf novel, The Red King...
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Blackie London WILLIAMS-ELLIS, Amabel & OWEN, Mably 1960Volume 1 1960 / [197] pp. Volume 2 1961 / [188]...
CLAIR, Stella [61] pp. Werner Laurie 9 1/4" x 7 1/4" Twelve full pages of...
CLARKE, Arthur C. [209] pp. The John C. Winston Company 1956 Third Printing 8 1/2"...
CARNELL, John [189] pp. Sidgwick & Jackson 1972 7 1/2" x 5" Jacket design by...
CALVINO, Italo [165] pp.Harcourt, Brace & JovanovichFirst Edition1974 Jacket design by Arnold Skolnick VG/ VG...
WOLLHEIM, Donald A. [206] pp. The John C. Winston Company 1957 Second Printing 8 1/2"...
Del Rey, Lester, writing as "Philip St. John." [207] pp.The John C. Winston Company1956 Second...
VERNE, Jules[188] pp.Associated Booksellers19628" x 5 3/8" Jacket designed by Jozef Gross VG/ VGMaster of...
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[221] pp.Wrapper design by Peter RudlandLYMINGTON, JohnHodder and Stoughton19637.75" x 5.5"
VAN VOGT, A.G. [246] pp. Grosset & Dunlap 1950 7 3/4" x 5 1/2" VG/...
LATHAM, Philip [214] pp. The John C Winston Company 1956 Second Printing 8 3/4" x...
NORTON, Andre [277] pp. The World Publishing Company 1953 First Edition 8 1/4" x 5...
SMITH, Edward E. [292] pp. Fantasy Press, Inc. 1954 First Edition 7 3/4" x 5...
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CLARKE, Arthur C. [221] pp. Taiwanese Pirate Edition 1968 8 1/4" x 5 1/2" VG/...
EVANS, E. Everett Warmly inscribed on FFEP [223] pp. Fantasy Press, Inc. 1955 First Edition...
VERNE, Jules[191] pp.Associated BooksellersThe Fitzroy Edition19658" x 5 1/2"Translated from the French by I. O....
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WELLS, H.G. [251] pp.Looking Glass Library/ Random House19607 1/2" x 5 1/4"Illustrated by Edward Gorey...
[208] pp.LESSER, Milton2nd EditionThe John C. Winston Company19568.75" x 6.25"Jacket Illustration by Peter Poulton &...
EVANS, E. Everett To one of my favorite families the Crossley's love, always, E. Everett...
[337] pp.Edward BellamyHoughton Mifflin Company1926 8 1/2" x 5 3/4" VG/ VG Looking Backward: 2000–1887...
210 pp.Lester Del ReyThe John C. Winston Company1956 8.75" x 6"Third Printing
BOUCHER, Anthony [edited by] Vol 1 [527] pp. Vol 2 [522] pp. Doubleday & Co...
CAPON, Paul [199] pp. William Heinemann Ltd 1953 7 1/2" x 5" No one believed...
SILVERBERG, Robert [edited by] [558] pp. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1970 Book Club Edition 8...
JONES, Raymond F. [211] pp. The John C Winston Company 1953 First Edition 8 1/2"...
FOREST, Jean-Claude[68] pp.Grove Press, Inc. 196612 7/8" x 9 3/4" Scroll Down for (12) Additional...
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VERNE, Jules [407] pp. Charles Scribner's Sons 1932 9 1/2" x 7 1/4" Illustrated by...
PADGETT, Lewis [210] pp. Gnome Press, Inc. 1953 First Edition 8 1/4" x 5 3/4"...
ZAREM, Lewis [160] pp. E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1955 First Edition 8 1/4" x...
HODDER-WILLIAMS, Christopher [224] pp. HODDER and Stoughton 1964 7 7/8" x 5 1/2" Wrapper design...
LEE, Robert C.[178] pp.Little, Brown and Company1968First Edition8 1/4" x 5 3/4"Illustrated by Al Fiorentino
VERNE, Jules[190] pp.Arco Publications19638" x 5 3/8"
VERNE, Jules[224] pp.Associated BooksellersThe Fitzroy Edition19618" x 5 3/8"A story in the tradition of the...
VERNE, Jules[191] pp.Associated BooksellersThe Fitzroy Edition19628" x 5 1/2"Jacket designed by Jozef Gross
VERNE, Jules[188] pp.Associated Booksellers19658" x 5 1/2"
LETHBRIDGE, T.C. [148] pp.The Scientific Book Club19659" x 5 3/4"Jacket design by EF VG/ VG...
HUXLEY, Aldous [311] pp.The Modern Library19467 1/4" x 5" Jacket design by Haff VG/ VG...
LUKENS, Adam [221] pp. Avalon Books 1959 7 7/8" x 5 3/8" Jacket design by...
HEINLEIN, Robert A. [190] pp. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1956 Book Club Edition 8 1/2"...
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CLARKE, Arthur C. [248] pp.Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.1961 First Edition8 1/4" x 5 3/4"Jacket...
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[288] pp. Jacket design by Hubert Rogers *jacket flaps affixed to endpapers* HEINLEIN, Robert A.Second...
[224] pp.COBLENTZ, Stanton A.Avalon BooksJacket design by Ric Binkley19578.25" x 5.5"
WARD, Henry [206] pp.Sidgwick & Jackson19617 1/2" x 5 1/4" Fine/ Fine
SILVERBERG, Robert [224] pp. Avalon Books 1961 8" x 5 1/2" Jacket design by Ed...
ROCKWOOD, Roy [248] pp. Whitman Publishing Company 1910 8" x 5 1/2" Jacket artwork by...
ESHBACH, Lloyd Arthur [253] pp.First EditionFantasy Press, Inc.19557 1/2" x 5 1/4"Jacket design by Ric...